Saturday, November 26, 2011

Fly Free

"Over here!"

Barn Swallow / Lelayang Api, ricefields, Sekinchan.

Walking Wader

"Time stops here."

Very shy, can't get too close or they'll run on the water's surface, flapping wings. Quite a sight! Here in reddish breeding plumage, with young observed separately.

Little Grebe / Belibis Kecil, swamps, Langkawi, 6 pm.

Flock Force

"You know how the idiom goes."

Lesser Whistling Ducks / Belibis know the drill to the party and keeping it closed. Marshy swamp, Langkawi Island, December, 5 pm.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Fading Forest

"We'll make a change."

As you can or can't see, a mere silhouette of what's left.

Changeable Hawk Eagle / Lang Rajawali Hindik, country road, Trengganu, Oct 2011 9am.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Here's How II

"I'll show you, old boy."

Brahminy kite / Lang merah proves to be an old hand. Mangroves near river estuary, Kuala Gula, October 2011, 5pm.

Here's How

"Watch me do it."

Olive backed sunbird / Kelicap bukit knowing if the juice is worth the squeeze.

Residential garden, October 2011, 4pm.

Meeting Mates

"Can't stand waiting."

Rufous Piculet / Belatuk Kecil, female. Male has yellow on forehead, instead of red.

Lowland forest, Gunung Nuang, Hulu Langat, 25 Sept 2011, 930am.

Peckin Power

"Keep it up. I see progress."

Orange-backed Woody / Belatuk Ranum, working hard together. Lowland forest, Gunung Nuang, Hulu Langat, 25.9.2011, 9am.

Which is Which

"Where are the hens?"

Ricefields by the water. Common Moorhen / Tiong Air @ Ayam Perling (black) with green yellowish legs and a red ring around the top part.

The Watercock /Ayam-ayam (brown) is in its non-breeding plumage, but will turn black looking like the Moorhen when breeding in April.

Fulica atra & Amaurornis phoenicurus

Hail Hunters

"We'll be here for awhile."

Choosing wide open unbroken ricefields to circle around and within, they glide low and slow, sometimes landing on flimsy rice plants and vanish amongst the tall reeds.

1. Pied harrier, female.
2. Eastern Harrier, female
3. Pied Harrier, female. male is seen making rounds even further.
4. Western Harrier? Female

Remain in ricefields, all day long. Possibly three species, in family groups of male, female and juveniles. At dusk, all of them would actively take to the field simultaneously, numbering at least 8.